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  Is faith enough to carry you through?


   At the close of 1860, the Müller family could feel the tension brewing around them, but they never imagined what lay ahead. No one could have guessed that in less than a year, their happy family would be ripped apart.


  Set in nineteenth-century Fredericksburg, Virginia, the work of historical fiction portrays the War Between the States from a different perspective: a Christian perspective, and also gives a glimpse into the seldom-mentioned chapter of the Civil War: the civilian experience.


   This is the first installment of Faith Under Fire, my trilogy set in Fredericksburg during the Civil War. It's going to be a while before it's done, unfortunately. There's my usual excuse of too many pots on the stove (or in this case, too many books on the computer). But this is also a very special project for me. I always strive to be thorough and accurate in my books, researching every little detail. But there's an added pressure to get this trilogy perfect as it is set in my hometown of Fredericksburg. I've grown up here, surrounded by all of these historic sites, immersed in all of this history. So it's fair to say it's overwhelming trying to sift through all of the fascinating information I've gathered about the place I love, and somehow pick and choose the helpful bits and organize them into this story in a way that will not inundate the reader with information! Of course, that's just setting the scene, the historical backdrop for the story. The main focus of these stories is this family and their faith. Their struggle to hang onto that faith during one of the most perplexing and hostile eras of American history. Each character's journey is different. Some have a stronger faith than others. Just like we all do.


   I'll try to have an update -or better yet, the book- soon. Bear with me. :)

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